Nursing Issues

issues impacting nurses

My Journey on Becoming a Nurse- Contribution to the Nursing Profession

Can a Nurse Refuse Treatment of a Patient?

The practice of nursing is guided by certain state education laws, rules, regulations, and the code of ethics. According to these, nurses are morally bound to care for and treat all patients regardless of disease entities, socio-economic status, cultural views, religion and sexual orientation, and so forth. Nurses are to care for all people. My nursing school motto was, “Amicus Humani Generis” which translated to be, “ Lover of the Human Race.” Wouldn’t it be ironic to go against the core of this statement?

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5 Reasons Why IV Poles are a Huge Pain for Nurses

5 Reasons Why IV Poles are a Huge Pain for Nurses

IVs allow patients to get medications more quickly and efficiently than the oral route. They are a vital part of medical care, and many patients would suffer without access to the fast-acting medications delivered directly into their veins. In hospitals, IV poles are as common as patients, but, unfortunately, most of them are poorly designed and, in general, are a huge pain. Reasons Why IV Poles are a Huge Pain for Nurses I bet there are a ton of reasons IV poles are annoying. But let’s look at the biggest reasons of all. 1. IV Poles are Top Heavy and

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3 Reasons Nurses Need to Stand Strong

3 Reasons Nurses Need to Stand Strong

Nursing is a profession that both allows and requires you to stand strong. It could be said that standing strong is a requirement of the job, but at the same time it’s also a benefit. Many people benefit when nurses take care of themselves. In fact, if nurses don’t take care of themselves they won’t be able to take care of others. If you don’t stand strong for yourself, how are you going to stand strong for anyone else?

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Nursing From Within

Nursing From Within and the Jedi Nurse

Elizabeth Scala is a talented nurse that I’ve had the pleasure of working with in the nurse blog community. She is also a Jedi Nurse (more on that later) and has written a book to help nurses. She is always willing to lend a helping hand in collaboration efforts, and routinely participates in the nurse blog carnival. As an author of a book on technology for nurses myself, I know how important it is to utilize your network and collaborate to help as many nurses as possible. So when she asked me to participate in her book tour I was

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Tips For New Nurse Grads

Because we know how hard it is to be a new nurse, nurse bloggers have decided to team up and share some words of wisdom with all you new grads. We know what it was like to be a graduate nurse just getting our feet wet and want to make your journey a little easier. Keeping reading for a roundup of great nurse wisdom aimed especially at new grads.

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Allnurses is not Supportive of Nurses

Allnurses is not Supportive of Nurses

There was a time when I thought that Allnurses promoted online collaboration and support for nurses. I was wrong. Allnurses only intends to support themselves by padding their pocketbooks with ad sales garnered by promoting anonymous rants and gripe sessions. They claim to promote nursing, but they shun any nursing experts who can provide valuable insight to the conversations if that expert happens to have a blog.

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dirty hospital bed

5 Dirty Little Secrets About Hospitals – Namely, About the Dirt

If you’re feeling sick, you may schedule an appointment to see your doctor or visit a hospital emergency room. However, before you head to the nearest medical facility, consider whether you can self-treat at home. Understandably, some medical issues necessitate a hospital or doctor visit. These include a fracture, chest pains and other sudden, intense symptoms. But if you’re suffering from a common ailment, such as a sore throat, a cough or flu-like symptoms, there is another alternative.

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Male Vs. Female Nurses Infographic

Male Vs. Female Nurses [Infographic]

As the world changes, there will be an increased need for nurses. Many men shy away from joining the nursing profession due to gender stereotypes. According to the latest statistics, of all of the nurses currently on the job, only 5.8% are men. This means that more than 94% of nurses are women.

The economy is one in which male nurses can have a promising career. Over 700,000 jobs in the industry will be available in the next few years. Men typically earn more than $1,100 per week which is a competitive starting salary in today’s job market.

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