Nurse Lifestyle

The Nurse Lifestyle is complex. We wear have different priorities, wear different clothes, and have a different perspective on the world than “normal” people. The Nurse Lifestyle category focuses on topics devoted to improving the lifestyle of nurses.

how to fix the nursing shortage

How To Fix The Nursing Shortage: 7 Nurse Shortage Solutions

The “State of the World’s Nursing 2020” offers the first comprehensive look at nursing worldwide, with input from over 190 countries. Produced by the World Health Organization (WHO) with the International Council of Nurses (ICN) and Nursing Now, the report reveals a global nursing workforce of 28 million, facing a shortage of 5.9 million nurses, as cited in this Nursing Times article. Specifically for the United States, projections from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics indicate a demand for over 275,000 additional nurses from 2020 to 2030. The nursing shortage is a pressing issue in the healthcare industry, requiring strategic […]

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nursing faculty shortage

Nursing Faculty Shortage: 5 Innovative Strategies To Address The Shortage Of Nurse Educators

The nursing profession is facing a critical challenge: a shortage of qualified educators. This nursing faculty shortage, coupled with the ever-increasing demand for nurses, creates a ripple effect impacting healthcare at large. A 2006 report by the World Health Organization revealed a critical shortage of nurse educators in most member countries, as reported in a review study. These faculty shortages don’t just impact the education of future nurses; they also have far-reaching implications for nursing research. A limited number of nurse educators translates to a diminished capacity to conduct research that can influence health policy at local, national, and international

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nurse headbands

10 Fun and Functional Nurse Headbands

The life of a nurse can be a whirlwind of responsibilities, long shifts, and ever-changing demands. Amidst the chaos of the healthcare world, we nurses often seek ways to add a personal touch to our uniforms while still maintaining professionalism and functionality. One accessory that has been making waves in the nursing community is the nurse headband. Let’s talk about why headbands are so functional for nurses, and share some of our favorite options! Why Use a Headband? First of all, let’s talk about why you should even use a headband as a nurse: My Best Tips for Choosing a

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hand care tips for nurses

6 Hand Care Tips That Every Nurse Should Follow for Soft, Smooth Hands

Having gloves on, using soap, alcohol-based sanitizers, and other disinfectants all take a toll on your skin. If you consistently overlook this as a nurse, your hands will likely become coarse over the course of a few months, and lose the nourished look they had when you first began. In this article, you’ll get the lowdown on the hurdles nurses encounter when they let hand care slip, along with some handy tips crafted specifically for nurses to help keep your skin silky smooth. Common Hand Care Problems for Nurses When nurses neglect hand care, we can encounter several issues. Constant

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nurse water bottle plastic outside drinking

The Perfect Nurse Water Bottle: 6 Awesome Options

As a nurse, you know the importance of staying hydrated. You’re on your feet all day, running from patient to patient, and it’s easy to forget to drink enough water. In this post, we’ll explore the importance of staying hydrated during your shifts, and go over the key features that go into the ideal nurse water bottle. It’s time to discover how this small but essential accessory can enhance your daily routine, ensure you’re at your best for your patients, and help you face the challenges of nursing with renewed vigor. So, grab your favorite water bottle (or stay tuned

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What is Your Weakness in a Nursing Interview: The Ultimate Answer - weakness in nursing interview

What is Your Weakness in a Nursing Interview: The Ultimate Answer

Taking the next step in your nursing career is an exciting journey. You’ve polished your resume, gathered stellar recommendations, and nailed the primary questions you might face in a nursing interview. But then, it happens – the dreaded question: “What is your weakness?” In the high-pressure environment of a nursing interview, this question can be really intimidating and, let’s be honest, sweat-inducing. How can you answer honestly while still impressing your potential employer? Fear not, we’ve got you covered! In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to respond to what is your weakness in a nursing interview with confidence

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parts of a stethoscope

Understanding the Parts of a Stethoscope So You Can Use it Well

Do you know all the parts of a stethoscope? You likely already know that a stethoscope is an iconic symbol of healthcare professionals worldwide, serving as a vital tool for diagnosing and monitoring patients’ health. Yet, to wield this instrument effectively, you have to understand its intricate components. So, if you’re a new nurse just dipping your toes into the exciting waters of healthcare, don’t be intimidated by that stethoscope hanging around your neck! It’s not just a piece of equipment; it’s your trusty sidekick on this incredible journey of healing and caring. In this article, we delve into all

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All hearts have the potential to be touched by a nurse. As nurses, we carry the potential to affect many peoples’ lives on a daily basis.

Nurses Make a Difference Because Nurses are Different

All hearts have the potential to be touched by a nurse. As nurses, we carry the potential to affect many peoples’ lives on a daily basis. The small things that we do for everybody can actually add up and create a huge effect. We could just show up to work every day and mull through our tasks to make our paycheck and punch out at the end of the day. That is entirely possible, and quite a few people do it. I will admit that there have been days and weeks when I just was not into going to work. All I wanted was for the day to end so I could go home. When we show up to work with that mindset, we lose our ability to truly touch those that are hurting and suffering.

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financial planning for nurses

Financial Planning for Nurses – Saving Lives and Dollars

As a nurse, you’ve dedicated your career to saving lives and promoting health. You provide compassionate care, offer critical support, and make a real difference in the world. But amid your noble mission, there’s another aspect of your life that deserves attention: your financial well-being. Financial planning for nurses is crucial for several reasons that we will discuss in depth. In a recent study conducted by Fidelity, the leading provider of retirement savings plans for nonprofit healthcare organizations, findings revealed that 56 percent of the 356 surveyed nurses expressed a lack of confidence in their ability to make sound financial

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