Being a nurse is one of the hardest things in the world. Too often nurses become burned out because they feel like they just give and give without ever getting anything in return. Many nurses find that nurse prayers can offer just what they need to keep on going. But some nurses don’t pray. For those nurses, these nurses week quotes, morning quotes, and these nurse quotes may help you feel inspired to face another day!
17 Inspirational and Empowering Nurse Quotes
As a Nurse Inspirational Wall Art
“They may forget your name but they will NEVER forget how you made them feel.” This Maya Angelou quote is one of my favorites.
Buddha Quote Self Love and Self Care
Buddha Quote Self Love and Self Care sweet small reminder frame. Because how can you take of others if you don’t take care of yourself?
She Believed She Could So She Did
A simple but wonderful reminder that even when facing tough trials, believing in yourself goes a long way.
The Starfish Story handstamped cuff bracelet
The boy bent down, picked up yet another starfish & threw it as far as he could into the ocean. Then he turned, smiled & said, “It made a difference to that one!” Sometimes focusing on making a difference to one when the odds are overwhelming is the best advice.
Inspirational Nurse Sign
Nurse, Just another word to describe a person strong enough to tolerate everything and soft enough to understand everyone.
Career and Passion Quote Sign
Never forget, you are lucky enough to have a career in your passion.
Nurse Quote Pillow
What a simple but encouraging reminder of what nurses face in a day.
Brave Nurse Quote
I believe that all nurses are brave.
Encouraging Nurse Quote ID Badge Reel
An encouraging reminder during shift. Move slowly if you must, just don’t ever stand still.
Navigate Necklace
So many things change in the matter of minutes with a nurse. Change is not a bad thing, just keep moving forward!
Nurse Quote Wall Art
Do you remember exactly why you decided to become a nurse?
Florence Nightingale Nurse Quotes
I love this reminder for nurse leaders. What are you doing to ensure the right thing can always be done?
You Are Doing a Freaking Great Job Book
Sometimes we all need a reminder of how awesome we are!
Medical Gift Pen with Inspirational Quote
“Cure Sometimes, Treat Often, Comfort Always. – Hippocrates” We may not be able to cure or effectively treat everyone, but we can always comfort.
Being a Nurse Means Subway Sign Chalkboard Art Poster
If you hate being bored, love responsibility and being frustrated and making a difference, then you will love being a nurse.
Nurses 2018 Day-to-Day Calendar: Jokes, Quotes, and Anecdotes
The calendar will remind you, that even when it’s hours until the next shift change, when patients freak out, doctors push boundaries, or insurance red tape tests your resolve, nurses still know: “We can do it!”
Ups and Downs Cross Stitch
Never forget, the ups and downs mean you are still living!
For more information on nurse quotes check out:
- Gifts for Nurses
- Florence Nightingale Quotes
- Nurse Philosophers
- And if you are in need of a laugh, check out Funny Nurse Memes to Brighten Your Day
Thank you