Are you a male nurse? Do you know one? These male nurse jokes and memes are hilariously relatable! Pass it along to a murse that you know and laugh together.
23 Male Nurse Jokes and Memes
It’s time to take a laugh break. Yeah, nursing is serious business. But what is it they say? Laughter is the best medicine! So let’s take a little time to laugh at some of the more annoying and stressful situations we face.
For some reason, male nurses get a lot of jokes thrown their way. Maybe it’s because nursing was typically a job for women for so many years. But I’ve known some amazing male nurses and let me tell you, they take their job very seriously and are dedicated to helping people.
Let’s take back all the stuff people say about male nurses, or “murses,” and turn it into some jokes.
Laugh! Giggle! And Pass this post on to the male nurses that you know. It will brighten their day.
1. What Everyone Thinks A Male Nurse Does Meme
This meme is perfect! How many guys think that all a male nurse does is be surrounded by girls all day? Probably too many. But the best part is the end, “what I actually do.” Because these guys really do attend to the sick and hurting very well.
2. Anatomy of a Male Nurse
How many guys can relate to this? Especially the hair sticking out and the tired eyes. And yes, the strong arms that can turn and lift patients easily!
3. Male Nursing
This illustration isn’t as funny as it is true. From the lavender scrubs to the crocs, these murses are saving lives and taking care of business.
4. Follow Your Diabetic Diet
It’s almost as if that line from the Princess Bride was written with this meme in mind. Just eat nutritious foods. Just do it.
5. Self Care is Easy
Yeah, sure. Just get 8 hours of sleep each night and put together healthy meals. Oh and don’t forget to meditate and exercise. You know, in your free time.
6. What happened last shift?
Basically, the entire hotel was a mess, call lights were on constantly, and I don’t know what day it is. Oh and good luck with that! Peace!
7. What Male Nurses do on Their Day Off
Who has time for anything else? This is pretty accurate. Sleep, binge on junk food and TV and go to Target.
8. Why You Became a Nurse
After an insane shift, do you ever wonder why you became a nurse in the first place? Yeah, this meme is pretty accurate.
9. Just Clock Out
You just gotta laugh! Cause why is that that we can make all these life and death decisions and really help people, but then forget our own personal tasks? It happens. A lot.
10. Asking for Pain Meds
Sure this meme is funny, but the look on this male nurse’s face is even funnier! I kinda want to make more memes of it.
11. Male Nurse Meme
This is so funny because it is so accurate! So many elderly female patients get all flirty with murses during their shift. And other female nurses always ask them to do the heavy lifting. But in reality, you are just an insecure Eyore.
12. What’s your secret?
That mischevious look though! It’s super funny….but only until you apply logic and realize that a depressant when you need to be on high alert really wouldn’t work.
13. Sleep when I’m dead
Oh night shift….terrible, awful night shift. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, right?
14. I’ll Give It A Shot
This is funny just because of how not funny it is! I mean, it’s a terribly overused joke. But yet we still make it.
15. Expectation vs Reality
So, you thought you’d sign up to be a male nurse and get to work with all these girls? Hope you enjoy giving old ladies their medications and doing lots and lots of paperwork.
16. What People Say To Murses
This is pretty much all that people say, am I right? Thank you to Meet the Fockers, we now have pop culture jokes about male nurses.
17. Girlish Tendencies
Yup. Because working in a field that was predominantly females makes male nurses girly. Sounds about right.
17. Call me Focker
One thing that movie did was give us something else to laugh at. Which was fantastic for about a year. This meme sums up how we feel about overused jokes.
18. Doctors Not Working on Me
And this is the downside to working with a bunch of doctors. You know which ones you definitely don’t trust. But the good news is you also know the ones that you do.
19. Studying as a Male Nurse
This is hilarious! I’m not sure why patients see male nursing students as the joker in a female nursing outfit, but it happens. The best part about this meme is the “how I think I look” picture.
20. Sorry I Annoyed You
Sometimes the snark just really wants to come out! Concern and doing your job can come across like you’re being a jerk. But you gotta do it.
21. Nurses Can Silent Fart
Admit it…you’ve done it. Sometimes you just can’t help it. But there are so many smells in a hospital, no one knows it’s you, right? Sure……
22. Caring for People is Sexy
I have to admit that this character from The Mindy Project took jokes and ideas about male nurses and addressed them head-on. Yes, helping people really does make you sexy!
23. Stop Chuckling
Finally, let’s just get this out there. Murses rock!
Thank You, Male Nurses
An honest and genuine “thank you” goes out to all the men that made it through nursing school and are currently working hard as nurses. This job doesn’t care about your gender. It only matters that you work hard and put your heart into helping people heal.
We need more nurses. Male, female, all of them. If you know a male nurse, pass this along and say a quick “thank you” for all they do.
More Funny Nurse Jokes
Want some more super funny nurse jokes? Here are some of my favorites!
- 10 Cheesy Nurse Pickup Lines
- 7 Hilarious Nurse Videos That Make Your Day Better
- 25 Nurse Jokes That Will Have Your Friends Rolling
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