3 Nursing Poems That Make Excellent Gifts

Poetry creates images in your mind and moves your heart like no other art form can. Finding a poem that says what you can’t find the words to say is a beautiful thing. I hope one of these 3 nursing poems is exactly what you are looking for.

3 Nursing Poems That Make Excellent Gifts

3 Nurse Poems For Gift Giving

These 3 nurse poems capture the essence of nursing. I chose them because of their beauty and the emotions they portray. If you send any of these poems to a friend, don’t forget to credit the poet that wrote it.

Or have one printed out and placed in a nurse gift basket.

The Heart of A Nurse

Nurses are compassionate and caring,
With love in their hearts for all.
Forever extending a heart of mercy,
Always there when there is call.
Endless hours they stand on their feet,
Wondering, “Did I do my best
To help this patient get through this illness,
Ease their pain so they can rest?”
In their hearts you hear God’s whisper
Through a nurse he sends his love.
Ever sensitive, kind and caring,
Souls as pure as a snow white dove.
Angel, yes, she tends to be,
For her presence comforts me.
Concern for the sick shows on her face,
Her gentle touch, my fears erase.

Author: Pauline Hamblin

Pauline Hamblin summed up exactly how I feel about nurses. “In their hearts you hear God’s whisper.” Isn’t that beautiful? It moves my heart and makes me proud to be a nurse.

Being A NURSE Means

Being a NURSE Means…
You will never be bored.
You will always be frustrated.
You will be surrounded by challenges…

Author: Melodie Chenevert, RN

As a nurse, Melodie knows firsthand every single aspect of this honest poem. Yes, being a nurse is all of these things – and more! I’m sure you can think of a few things to add to this list.

Nursing’s Fatigue

The future of nursing
Lies in the past,
With lessons learned
And models overturned.

To be a guardian
Of nursing’s past
Requires prerequisite love
For the profession,
And unceasing belief
In the limitless beyond,
Where the adventurous
Dream of living,
While forging today’s reality
Out of yesterday’s
Delicately blending the best
Of science and art.

Author: Kristina Ibitayo

Kristina sums up all the intricacies of nursing from the past and using today’s realities. Nurses rely on the groundwork laid by so many nurses in the past. We try hard to meld science and art – caring for people and helping them heal.

I hope one of these beautiful nurse poems speaks to your heart. Please share this post with a nurse you know. Spread the word and encourage them with some uplifting poetry.

See also:

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1 thought on “3 Nursing Poems That Make Excellent Gifts”

  1. C A L L E D TO BE A N U R S E
    When You called me to be a nurse
    I pretended to be deaf, not to hear
    but Your call was very terse
    I felt You more than ever near
    I loved my job as a translator
    I tried with all my might to escape
    the deal with My celestial Debater
    looking for the smallest tiniest gape
    I barely ate, I barely slept
    I refused to watch “Dr. Kildare”
    for his nurse on me her eyes she kept
    I had to run from her inviting stare
    I like to serve but if at all
    then as a flight attendant
    this dragged my parents into a brawl
    in which I acted as the defendant
    Then came the day that I woke up
    hearing Your inviting Voice
    offering me to share Your loving Cup 
    how could I refuse this choice
    You asked me to prepare
    myself for “my task for later”
    to get ready for the nursing care
    and in Your Name to cater.
    I accepted without restriction
    and went swift to nursing school
    my belief and strong conviction
    became my most powerful tool
    You’ve always been with me at the bedside
    even patients testified of Your presence
    some of them hot tears they cried 
    thankful to receive so much pleasance
    but Lord wherever You are
    there Your opponent prowls
    as the magnificent dog star
    enticing me to throw in the towels
    I may well have lost a battle
    but You promised me the victory
    he will stop his tail rattle
    when I read him his valedictory

    I trust in You, my Savior and Provider.
    Rita Biesemans, written 01/09/2014

    I became an RN, Midwife, MSN

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