
The Nerdy Nurse is all about technology. From blogging to the latest innovations in equipment or electronic medical records, the Technology category focuses on innovations that improve the lives of nurses and the patients they serve.

3 Best NCLEX Prep Apps

3 Best NCLEX Prep Apps

Are you using an NCLEX prep apps to get ready to take your nursing boards? Are sure you know how to pass the NCLEX on the first attempt? Do you have a reliable resources for NCLEX questions? I remember walking out of the testing center after taking my NCLEX-RN®. It was a warm September morning. I had stayed in a hotel in downtown Dallas right across from the testing center. As I walked to my car, I thought, “I have no idea if I passed or not!”. I called my wife and told her, “If I didn’t pass, I have […]

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Health Informatics Is Technology Improving Healthcare

Health Informatics: Is Technology Improving Healthcare?

All this technology in healthcare doesn’t just materialize on it’s own. Health informatics professionals are the ones that ensure technology is integrated into healthcare. There are many technical and clinical professionals working behind the scene to ensure that technology is weaved into the fabric of healthcare as seamlessly as possible. Since technology isn’t going away, neither is the need for skilled health informatics professionals. In fact, the Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 22 percent increase in employment through the year 2022, a rate that is much faster than the national average for all occupations.

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The Ultimate List of Nurse Blogs and Social Media Accounts to Follow

The Ultimate List of Nurse Blogs and Social Media Accounts to Follow

The blogoshpere is booming with passionate and entertaining nurse bloggers. I’ve seen a few lists that compile the best nurse blogs or the top nurses to follow on twitter, pinterest, and even Google plus. However, I’ve never seen a single location where you can find a comprehensive list of nursing blogs and their social media accounts. It goes without saying that nurses who blog are also active on social media so why not get everything together in one location?

The Ultimate List of Nurse Blogs and Social Media Accounts to Follow Read More »

Award Winning Social Media and Technology Guide for Nurses

First Place in the AJN Book of the Year Awards

The American Journal of Nursing has awarded the honor of book of the year to The Nerdy Nurse’s Guide to Technology. The book received first place honors in the Information Technology/Social Media category.

I am sincerely honored and grateful that the AJN has selected my book as one noteworthy in the year 2014. To have my little technology and social media guidebook alongside textbooks and other prestigious nursing publications is mindblowing.

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The Comcast Data Cap is Ruining My Life

The Comcast Data Cap is Ruining My Life

The Comcast data cap that has been put in place within the last year is causing serious issues in my household. For the first time in forever (yes, I just quoted Frozen), I am forced to be conscious of my internet usage or else be forced to pay the price (literally). At $10 per extra 50gbs, it can add up fast. To make matters worse, it’s leading to disputes between my husband and I over who is entitled to watch Netflix. As well as conversations with my son and I over whether or not he can watch another Youtube video.

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