Brittney Wilson, BSN, RN

Brittney Wilson, BSN, RN, a bachelors-prepared registered nurse, is the founder and owner of The Nerdy Nurse® and She is award-winning author, blogger, and community manager. In addition, she is an international keynote speaker and influencer in the nursing and healthcare technology communities. Brittney is the author of The Nerdy Nurse's Guide to Technology and co-author of The Nurse's Guide to Blogging. She blogs about nursing, technology, health IT, at other healthcare topics at Want more information about Brittney, her background, and nursing expertise? Check out the about page.

EMR Charting: The Frustration of Duplication for Nurses

What kind of nerdy nurse would I be if I wasn’t an advocate of the newest nurse charting – Electronic Medical Records (EMR Charting)? Not worthy of my title, at the very least. As a nerd, I am pretty much required to preach the glories of my geeky infatuations. Not only to justify my obsessions but also to promote more growth and innovation in the tech world. Us geeks need new tech to satisfy our cravings. A slight digression, yes, but you have no doubt grown accustomed to those in my little corner of the web. (And if not, you may want to […]

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How Many People Are Involved in Patient Care?

Today when my preceptor was showing me a report for infection control, it made me realize just how many people are involved in the care of every patient that walks through the doors of a hospital. We know that as nurses on the that we can’t take care of our patients all by ourselves. We need the help of doctors, aids, other nurses, and other departments. What I don’t think most nurses think about is just how much goes on behind the scenes to make sure that the patient care a reality.

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When a Nurse Says: I Don't Care - nurse phone

When a Nurse Says: I Don’t Care

“I don’t care. “ Those aren’t the words you want to hear coming from the mouth of a nurse. Now, true, nurses are human, and there are things that we don’t care about, but the phrase itself, while on the job,  just sounds so …. unprofessional. As nurses, we encounter so many challenges every day. Often we have to wait on other departments, facilities, or patients. If we are not waiting on something (a lab, a transporter, a phone call), we rush to do or get something done ourselves. It’s very much a feast or famine profession. Things rarely progress

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Things They Don’t Tell you When You’re In Nursing School: Advice for New Grads

I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not one of these people who grew up being a nurse. It would be nice to say that I put bandages on my dolls, and had dreams of nursing since I was a child. But I just can’t say it. It’s not true. I came to the realization that wanted to be a nurse 6 months after passing my NCLEX and working as a nurse. Before then, I knew I could be a nurse, but I didn’t really know I wanted to. I did well in school. I found the best places

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10 Differences Between a Public Not-For-Profit Hospital Verses a Private For-Profit Corporate Hospital

I work for a private, corporate hospital as a floor nurse. I am precepting at a public, independent hospital in an administrative role. The differences in the way things are done and the possibilities for change and innovation are astounding. As much as I am a loyalists, and would really love to stay where I am, as a nurse who wants to be a part of positive change in healthcare, this may prove to be more difficult than anticipated for many of the reasons which I have listed: What I have noticed the Public Hospital does that the Private Doesn’t:

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Patient Modesty: Yes, It is Very Important

Let’s chat about something that lots of nurses think, but few say out loud: patient modesty. Is it really important? Is medical nudity something nurses should be comfortable with, in every circumstance? Honestly, it’s complicated. But it needs to be discussed. The Importance of Medical Patient Modesty First, what is modesty? According to the dictionary, it is “behavior, manner, or appearance intended to avoid impropriety or indecency.” Ok, so what is propriety? It is socially acceptable behavior. When someone is in the hospital, do social norms disappear? What about the feelings and values of the nurse – do they matter? I

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Med Room Organization or Chaos

I have had the privilege to work on a floor with an organized med room. However, It appears that ours has been the only one in the entire hospital that stays organized. Stock gets low occasionally, but usually things we need are close at hand and someone will typically step up and replace things as needed. No one is designated or has a responsibility to manage the med room, or its supplies, but we do it out of respect for each other and honestly because it makes our jobs and lives easier.However, on the other floors, the med rooms are

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They made me put my socks on with a stick

They Made Me Put My Socks On With a Stick

I find it interesting how the most grumpy, disgruntled people react to kind gestures. It’s been my experience that usually someone with an attitude has a pretty good reason for it. There are the occasional crapheads who are just crappy for no reason, but usually there is some sort root cause for most meaness I experience in my nursing practice.

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Nursing Student "Dismissed" for Facebook Photo’s Epic Battle Continues

Nursing school really is a circus, complete with clowns, ringmasters, lions, and flaming hoops to jump through. Johnson County Community College lawsuit. To hear their response, one might assure this girl expelled a fetus herself and was proudly poking it at it with a pair of hemostats. She didn’t. She took a picture, which her instructor allowed, excited to be participating in healthcare. I would really like to know what the “mother” in regard to said placenta thinks of this nonsense. Would she agree that the action would surmount to being “insensitive and disrespectful toward the mother and the human

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The Ballet of V-Fib: A Glimpse into the World of a Cardiac Critical Care Nurse

“If you need anything for pain, please let me know. Make sure you keep lying flat, and don’t move your leg Sir. If there is anything you need, I’ll be right outside.” I said pleased with a successful, stress-free admission of a fresh Cardiac Patient with 2 stents. A young man with no health history, aside from being a frequent smoker, admitted for what he thought was stomach upset and indigestion has just has his world rocked, his life saved, and his heart opened by the miracles of modern medicine. The admission assessment completed, he was still in a daze of Versed as he laid with the knowledge

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