The Nerdy Nurse’s Guide to Technology: The Book

The Nerdy Nurse’s Guide to Technology


I’m so excited to share with you that an amazing project I have been working on for quite some time now is nearly complete. You guessed it: My book!

The Nerdy Nurse’s Guide to Technology provides the tools nurses need to improve their practices, further their careers, and solidify themselves as assets to their employers. Written with humor and easily digestible sections of information, this reference guide supplies nurses with the practical application tools they need to embrace technology and be successful.

Technology should be seen and used as an aide to delivering nursing care. If it is a barrier, then we need to break down those walls and make it useful for the care you give. Technology, like most things in life, becomes what you make of it. If you make it difficult and useless, then it will be difficult and useless. But if you make it prominent and valuable, then you might find that you not only experience increased satisfaction in your job performance but are a happier nurse overall.

I’ve created a technology guide for nurses that will help nurses who struggle with adapting to digital change to understand more clearly how technology can benefit them and how exactly to get started. I also throw in some pretty cool tips and tricks for more advanced technology users.

Things like:

  • How to check all your email accounts from your Gmail account
  • How to use social media to advance your nursing career
  • The differences between cell phone carries
  • How to use a tablet to improve nursing care

And that’s only scratching the surface!

    Here are some of the rave reviews it has received so far:

Nurses are continuously adapting to the improvements in technology, often adding more time, hassle, and frustration to the clinical care process. But with Brittney Wilson’s humor and tech-savvy tips, using EMRs, iPads, and smartphones makes patient care a lot more fun! The Nerdy Nurse’s Guide to Technology provides nurses with all the knowledge and tools they need to be successful in their nursing careers. This book is entertaining, informative, and full of personality! An absolute must-read! — Donna Wilk Cardillo, MA, RN The Career Guru for Nurses Dear Donna columnist at Expert blogger at

The Nerdy Nurse s Guide to Technology is invaluable for nurses struggling with the brave new world of health care IT. And if you don t know what that is READ THIS BOOK. You ll be glad you did! —Theresa Brown, BSN, RN, OCN Author of Critical Care: A New Nurse Faces Death, Life, and Everything in Between

Written in a lively, engaging voice, Wilson’s book brings technology to life and shows its relevance to every aspect of nursing. Her subject knowledge is extensive, and her enthusiasm for it is infectious. In Wilson’s hands, nursing informatics is fun and fascinating, which is fortunate because the information in this book is absolutely essential to every nurse’s practice. If this is what being a nerdy nurse is like, I want to be one, too. —Tilda Shalof RN, BScN Author of A Nurse’s Story, The Making of a Nurse and Opening My Heart: A Journey from Nurse to Patient and Back Again

    I’d love for you share this exciting experience to take a change to really get motivated and passionate about using technology to grow as a nurse.

Find out more about the book from the following: Interview on RNFMradio and its description on Amazon!

Positive Reviews:

Check out The Nerdy Nurse’s Guide to Technology on Amazon and order it today! Pick it up for Nook at Barnes and Noble.

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108 thoughts on “The Nerdy Nurse’s Guide to Technology: The Book”

  1. getting ready to do a presentation on it (and you) in informatics class tonight. Love the book! Recommended it to several coworkers…

  2. Michaël Rosseel

    Sometimes someone writes a book, that makes you shout ‘of course!” in your head. Wether it’s Nerdynurse in the US or overseas, i think that in what we see, believe and strive for every day, we run into a lot of the same things. Eager to read your tips and tricks!

  3. Josette Stegmair

    Anxious to read the book & could use the gift card for winter session which begins on Monday? *fingers crossed*

  4. Wow! This is exciting! I’m a Canadian student and would use the gift card to pay for books to help me prepare for “your” NCLEX! 😉

  5. Keryn Maddicks Rivett

    I would love to win so I could gift it to my husband’s dialysis unit – those nurses are simply gorgeous and looked after him whilst he was waiting for his transplant.

  6. extremely new and excited. I have found this blog from searching “the best Stethoscope for nurses” and it directed me to your blog. I find this to be a gift from the search gods! If i won I would buy that 3m Littman Stethoscope with gift card and continue engaging myself in all the wonders of nursing technology but also redirecting this information to some professors to bring your knowledge to our COLLEGE! 🙂

  7. Thanks for the opportunity! Such a timely topic. Nurses need to embrace technology that enhances our care – if you don’t know, you need to learn.

  8. I would pass the book to a friend who is in the field because I know you rock. liked & shared and sending some folks to you!

  9. I would definitely let my daughters share the amazon card for kindle aps or music they would love that and ive been wanting to read the book then i would give the book to Nurse Lee to read it 🙂

  10. Shared on my Daughters FB page…she will graduate HS this Spring…then in Fall 2014 attending the *BEST* BSN program in SD…after her momma’s footsteps!! 🙂 SHe has many friends that are going this same route…told her this book is MUCHO needed! Here’s to selling LOtsa books and educating our Student, floor and grad RN’s!!

  11. Way before the book was published.Brittney Wilson was teaching me how to do things on “works”…introduced me to several functions that I USE EVERY DAY NOW!! …Brittney and I met on a Nursing support online msg board! Thx Britt…will tweet this and keep telling my local RN/RN students to look at your blog and the book..maybe Nursing schools need to add it into their curriculm? I used to teach for a Bachelors Nursing school…they know I am “on top” of what’s what in the Med/nurs world! Thx for the chance!!

  12. Lucy Heffelfinger

    I would so love a copy of this book NOT because I know much about technology but because I don’t and need to!

  13. I absolutely love your blog! I can’t wait to read your new book despite a negative review at another nurse’s blog. Your site it 1000x better and now I’m a daily follower.

  14. MissGeeklyChic I’ve have checked your blog. It’s awesome. Keep up the good work!
    I am truly honored that you find this inspiring and hope my book is very helpful to you Please let me know if I can help you in any way.

  15. Thanks! And I enjoy nursing school VERY much even though it’s the toughest thing EVER. I have (hopefully) one semester to go! 😀

  16. Yes! I would =D I’m a nursing student so you know how that goes. I understand the phrase “starving student” now

  17. I’m so sorry Maria Marquez I’ve been thinking about doing a giveaway. Would you be interested in a chance to win one?

  18. This is really awesome, As i am a full time online blogger and went to nursing school, I think with technology moving in the direction that it is that it will keep on touching each side of delivering care, Love the article

  19. donnad2008 my goal is to really empower those nurses who are struggling with all this change around them. Many nurses are just going through the motions when it comes to using technologies and I would like to really help them feel more confident in it.
    Thank you so much for taking the time to leave a comment. It means more than you will ever know!

  20. Brittney, so many nurses are used to dealing with technology that are patient-supportive but are hesitant, or down-right afraid, of information technology. This book will make such a difference in how technology is viewed in nursing practice. This is the future…and it is now. Thank you!

  21. NurseGAILINGRAM Thank you so much Gail. This book is basically me having a conversation with nurses. Except you get the added benefit of taking a breather if you need to soak it all in. 🙂 I truly feel that nurses will benefit from this book and it will help them feel more confident in their careers.

  22. Your writing style is engaging and easy to digest which is important when learning about technology.  This book will benefit so many nurses.  Thank you for sharing your expertise with the rest of us!

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