
It’s That Time of Year Again: Hospital Competencies

  I’m not sure how other hospitals do it, because I have only worked in one; but every year we have this thing called competencies. What are competencies? Basically all the nurses in the hospital are corralled into a room over a series of a week or so and have to “check off” at various stations. Not that it takes a whole week to do it, you just have several days over that week in which you can attend. The stations have a nurse or member of administration staffing them and cover various topics related to practice on the floor. […]

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10 Differences Between a Public Not-For-Profit Hospital Verses a Private For-Profit Corporate Hospital

I work for a private, corporate hospital as a floor nurse. I am precepting at a public, independent hospital in an administrative role. The differences in the way things are done and the possibilities for change and innovation are astounding. As much as I am a loyalists, and would really love to stay where I am, as a nurse who wants to be a part of positive change in healthcare, this may prove to be more difficult than anticipated for many of the reasons which I have listed: What I have noticed the Public Hospital does that the Private Doesn’t:

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Night Shift Nursing after Bullied on Day Shift

Night Shift Nursing after Bullied on Day Shift

After two years of fighting teeth and nail to stick it out, the charge nurse threatened me with bodily harm. I contacted the house supervisor, my boss, and HR. The end result… I has forced out of my shift. Why? Well apparently the squeaky wheel gets the grease and regardless of the fact that nearly everyone else in the entire hospital was perfectly happy to work with me, glad to see me, and enjoyed my company, these 4 women won.

They defeated me.

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