How To Take Care of Both Psychological and Physical Health

Did you know that your physical health is very closely connected to your psychological health? Let’s look at how to take care of both so you can have the best life! 


Importance of Physical Health

Physical health and psychological well-being may seem unrelated. However, these two areas of health are linked in a number of ways. From mild mood disorders to cognitive illnesses, psychological health is greatly affected by physical well-being. The following explores the link between mental and physical health and includes information on how to improve virtually all areas of well-being.

Psychological Illness is Related to Physical Health

Mental health and physical well-being are related in a variety of ways. First of all, depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders are often symptoms of physical illness or injury. Take, for example, an individual with a broken leg. Decreased mobility and the sudden inability to complete daily tasks can have a major impact on self-esteem and psychological well-being. Therefore, it makes sense that many patients with mobility issues often suffer from depression and anxiety.

The same can be said for patients will heart disease, diabetes and other chronic conditions. The symptoms of these illnesses affect the quality of life, which, in turn, leads to symptoms relating to psychological health.

Just as depression can be symptomatic of illnesses and injuries, it can also be the cause of complications to physical health. Many patients with depression report physical ailments like muscle pain, headaches, joint stiffness and more. Depression, anxiety and other psychological conditions can also lead to or worsen complications like high blood pressure, heart disease, and substance abuse, and have been shown to shorten lifespan in general.

Cognitive Disorders and Physical Health

The link between exercise and psychological health may extend beyond conditions like depression and anxiety. In fact, as explained by David Lader, psychological counselor and martial arts instructor, exercise may even play a role in preventing memory loss, dementia and other symptoms of cognitive decline in the elderly.

In a study performed on dementia patients, strength and resistance training were shown to improve brain functions relating to memory, planning, and attention. Due to these findings, it’s clear that exercises that improve balance and strength can be especially beneficial for individuals either suffering from or at risk for cognitive disorders.

The Benefits of Exercise

Whether poor physical health is the cause or effect of mental illness, exercise can help. In addition to improving physical health, regular workouts increase the brain’s production of serotonin and other “feel good” chemicals. These chemicals improve mood, sharpen mental clarity, regulate sleep and generally boost feelings of calm and well-being. In fact, these chemicals are so effective at relieving psychological distress, prescription antidepressants often emulate their effects on the brain. However, since antidepressant medications can lead to a variety of harmful side effects, exercise is often a better choice, especially in cases of mild or moderate depression.

So, what types of exercise are recommended for the average person suffering from psychological distress?

Well, the answer varies according to several factors. First of all, individual fitness levels should always be taken into consideration, especially when physical illnesses or injuries come into play. Thankfully, there are workouts available that suit nearly any level of fitness. Simple stretches and strength training, for example, can be performed by most people, even when mobility is an issue.

For relatively healthy people, workouts like yoga, walking, swimming, biking or running can improve physical health and significantly reduce the symptoms of psychological illness.

More Physical Health Articles

As you strive to take care of your physical health, here are more articles that will help you out:

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3 thoughts on “How To Take Care of Both Psychological and Physical Health”


    I love this! I am a nursing student and am doing a project on how mental health correlates with physical pain.
    The paper I am writing is my personal experience with physical trauma from surgery then the process to get physically healthy and I was healthy according to all my scans, bloodwork, procedures ect I still had physical pain. We then addressed my mental health and have been pain free!

  2. I think that this is one of our greatest disconnects. We are just 1 being. We are not “the chole in 4” or the “cellulitis in 12” and our “being” includes our emotional, physical, psychological and spiritual health. They are interconnected and together act as 1. I believe that the average western practitioner disregards this and believe that it is a HUGE reason for disease. The more we treat ourselves and the patient as a holistic human being, the more we learn about “true medicine” and healing.

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