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The Breastfeeding Vs Formula Debate: Fed is Best When Breast Equals Death - Breastfeeding Vs. Formula Debate

The Breastfeeding Vs Formula Debate: Fed is Best When Breast Equals Death

This article will examine the breastfeeding vs formula debate and share why fed is best. The breastfeeding vs formula debate isn’t a new one. The debate of the quality and value of infant formula have been around since it’s invention by chemist Justus von Liebig in 1865. However, the majority of the population of new mothers have been well educated on the benefits of breastfeeding. When a child is born the parents make a decision on how to feed their child: formula, breast milk, or some combination of the two. When a Nurse Can’t Nurse Her Child As of the writing of […]

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Care Beyond Treatment - image10

Care Beyond Treatment

To the lay person, a nurse’s job may seem pretty simple: Nurses provide care for patients.

But the word “care” is a bit complicated. In a medical sense, it means to tend to needed procedures, carry out instructions from physicians, and do the clinical things that are required for an ill or injured person.

On top of all that scientific caring, there’s sociological caring as well. That means providing an equal level of commitment to the emotional situation, making sure that the patient and family members are coping with the complexities of their particular cases.

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Medical Christmas Fun: Medical Glove Christmas Trees - image21

Medical Christmas Fun: Medical Glove Christmas Trees

If you work in the medical profession then you have likely had to work your share of holidays.

Many nurses, paramedics, doctors, and other members of the healthcare team choose to make the best of this time and have quirky medical fun.

The following are some excellent examples of the weird sense of humor that many of use in the healthcare environment share.

I present to you Medical Glove Christmas Trees:

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Exploring the Benefits of Mother-Baby Maternity Nursing Units - image6

Exploring the Benefits of Mother-Baby Maternity Nursing Units

I had never really questioned this method of caring for mothers and newborns until the I learned about units where all the care was combined. However, there is an increasing trend in changing this model to a mother-baby setting, in which the baby stays with the mother. The only time the baby would leave the bedside is during the assessment, procedure, or if they were sick and required special medical and nursing attention. This would increase the amount of time the infant spent with the mother while she was still in the hospital.

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nursing student bag

To Work on Not to Work While in Nursing School: That is the Question

Many nursing students struggle with making a decision about whether they should work or focus completely on their education while they are in nursing school.

If you are in nursing school or are exploring nursing as a potential career, you may find yourself asking:

Should I work while going to working school?
Will I be able to make the same grades?
What about my kids and family? Will I have any time for them?
Will I be able to pay my bills if I don’t work during nursing school?

To Work on Not to Work While in Nursing School: That is the Question Read More »

A Scientific Look at Why Children Hate Bedtime

According to the National Sleep Foundation, children between three and five years of age should be sleeping between eleven and thirteen hours per night. However, about 52 percent of American children resist bedtime at that age. Part of the problem may rest with parents who are either tense about bedtime or have not set a recognizable and soothing bedtime routine. Young children need a routine that is predictable so they can associate certain times and activities with sleep.

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Historic Military Nursing Propaganda Images

Historic Military Nursing Propaganda Images

Memorial day is aside time set aside to honor members of the military. I wanted to take a moment to remember our nurses who are serving in the armed forces. They take care of the men and women who are taking care of us.

To the men and women who serve as military nurses, whether you be Army, Air Force, Navy, or Marine Core: Thank you for doing what you do!

In celebration of Memorial Day, please enjoy the The following beautiful examples of nursing military posters and war time propaganda.

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make money online blogging

How to Really Make Money Blogging

Making money on the internet is not a myth. But it’s not as simple as paying $19.99 to have Freddy in India set you up a website and have it go on autopilot, either. Making money online takes work. Nothing worth having in this life is for free. And blogging for cash is no different.

Many people have looked to blogging as a way to generate income. When I first starting blogging I never ever thought about making money. For a very long time I felt as if I wasn’t supposed to make money from it. This sort of coincides with how I sometimes feel guilty that I get paid to work as a nurse. Something inside me always told me that people would or already were judging me harshly for receiving compensation for caring for others, or in this case, blogging.
Many people have looked to blogging as a way to generate income for themselves. I’ll be completely honest. When I started blogging, making money was the last thing I had in mind. In fact, for a very long time I felt as if I wasn’t supposed to make money off of it. Sort of coincides with how I sometimes feel guilty that I get paid to work as a nurse. Something inside me always told me that people would or already were judging me harshly for receiving compensation for caring for others or in this case, blogging.

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