
stressed upset nurse

Why Do Nurses Have Such Poor Morale?

If you’ve ever worked on a nursing unit then you know that sometimes it seems like everybody is in a foul mood.

Many factors likely contribute to the poor morale on some nursing units. For example, if the house supervisor decided to cut the aide or extra nurse who was on shift and the other nurses are forced to pick up more patients. Or it could be a holiday and many nurses are forced to work rather than spend time with their families. Perhaps there is poor management and some employees get special treatment while others are forced into working unfair shifts.

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Patient Modesty: Yes, It is Very Important

Let’s chat about something that lots of nurses think, but few say out loud: patient modesty. Is it really important? Is medical nudity something nurses should be comfortable with, in every circumstance? Honestly, it’s complicated. But it needs to be discussed. The Importance of Medical Patient Modesty First, what is modesty? According to the dictionary, it is “behavior, manner, or appearance intended to avoid impropriety or indecency.” Ok, so what is propriety? It is socially acceptable behavior. When someone is in the hospital, do social norms disappear? What about the feelings and values of the nurse – do they matter? I

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Code Brown, not Nearly as Exciting, but Often More Enlightening than the Blue Variety

How much poop can an old man poop if an old man hasn’t pooped in a week? A buttload. It was inevitable, don’t you think. I am after all, a floor nurse. Many of my patients have had bowel surgeries, or are attempting to avoid them. How long could I have possibly gone without writing at least one post about poop? In  my experiences as a nurse I have had the pleasure, and sometimes disappointment, of dealing with a wide range of characters. I have learned to appreciate the wisdom and wit of little old men. I have learned to

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