
stressed upset nurse

Why Do Nurses Have Such Poor Morale?

If you’ve ever worked on a nursing unit then you know that sometimes it seems like everybody is in a foul mood.

Many factors likely contribute to the poor morale on some nursing units. For example, if the house supervisor decided to cut the aide or extra nurse who was on shift and the other nurses are forced to pick up more patients. Or it could be a holiday and many nurses are forced to work rather than spend time with their families. Perhaps there is poor management and some employees get special treatment while others are forced into working unfair shifts.

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How to Improve Nursing Morale and Avoid Burnout

How to Improve Nursing Morale and Avoid Burnout

Nursing can be a monotonous and stressful profession. Your daily routine can become so persistent and the appreciation you feel for what you do often seems minimal. While there are some that feel the paycheck should be enough, there are others who picked nursing as their profession because they wanted more than just money in the bank.

Unfortunately, nurses often give of themselves to the point where they may begin to feel defeated. They may start asking themselves “Why did I start doing this?” “What made me want to be a nurse to begin with?” “Does what I do really matter?”

In order to prevent getting to this point as a nurse, it is important that you take steps to prevent burnout. In the process you will also help to improve nursing morale. It’s not hard. It’s just a matter of being proactive and positive.

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7 Free Things Hospital Administrators Can Do to Increase Morale and Improve Nurse Retention

According to a fact sheet on the nursing shortage presented by the American Associate of Colleges of Nursing, healthcare is one sector of the job market that continues to grow, despite tough economic times. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics states that 283,000 jobs have been added in just the last year alone. In fact, even with the staggering levels of unemployment, nursing jobs sit open: According to a report released by the American Health Care Association in July 2008, more than 19,400 RN vacancies exist in long-term care settings. These vacancies, coupled with an additional 116,000 open positions in

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